The Union Minister has introduced the ‘SHE-Box Portal,’ a platform designed to empower women to report and fight against harassment at work. Keep reading to find out what it is, how it works, and how you can file a complaint.

With sexual crimes against women on the rise, it feels increasingly unsafe for women everywhere. Whether it’s walking alone at night or working alongside potential harassers, the fear is constant. Amidst this alarming situation, workplace harassment has become a significant concern. In response, the Union Minister has introduced the ‘SHE-Box Portal,’ a platform designed to empower women to report and fight against harassment at work.
Union Minister Launches SHE-Box Portal For Women’s Workplace Safety
The Union Minister of Women and Child Development, Annapurna Devi, just launched the SHE-Box Portal to help women fight against workplace harassment. The portal was launched on August 29, 2024, on Thursday in a launch event held in Delhi for the introduction of the portal and a new and updated version of the Ministry website.
What Is The SHE-Box Portal
The official press release released by the WCD Ministry mentions, “The SHe-Box portal serves as a centralised repository of information related to Internal Committees (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) across the country, covering both government and private sectors. It offers a common platform to file complaints, track their status and ensure time-bound processing of complaints by ICs. It provides assured redressal of complaints and a streamlined process for all stakeholders. The portal will also enable real-time monitoring of complaints through a designated nodal officer.”

As per the official website of the SHE-Box portal, “Sexual Harassment Electronic Box (SHe-Box) is an effort of GoI to provide a single window access to every woman, irrespective of her work status, whether working in organised or unorganised, private or public sector, to facilitate the registration of complaints related to sexual harassment. Any woman facing sexual harassment in the workplace can register their complaint through this portal. Once a complaint is submitted to the ‘SHe-Box’, it will be directly sent to the concerned authority having jurisdiction to take action on the matter.”
How To File A Complaint In The SHE-Box Portal
Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to file a complaint via the SHE-Box portal:

Step 1: First, ensure you have a stable internet connection and go to the official website of the SHE-Box portal at
Step 2: Next, click on the ‘Register your Complaint’ option on the left side of the homepage.
Step 3: Now, choose the ‘Register Complaint’ option.
Step 4: Select whether you are a government or private employee
Step 5: Once done, select Ministry and Department from the options and proceed to fill in the required details.
Step 6: Now fill in all the mandatory fields and click on ‘Next.’ After that, click the more required details, and finally click on ‘Submit.’
Step 7: You will receive a confirmation email with a link to create a username and password
Step 8:Click the link in the email to create a password
You can check the status of your complaint by logging in with your email and password
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